The chart of the UAH to dollar exchange rate - is a simple but powerful tool that makes it possible to compare offers of commercial banks, look at an archive of exchange rates, determine the real rate, formed on the basis of an average indicator for individuals buying and selling currencies.
The graph of the dollar and other currencies is prepared online. Here you can compare the current values of exchange rates in Ukraine with Forex exchange rates in order to find the most profitable bank for buying or selling currency. On the consolidated graph of the dollar exchange rate, you can see the dynamics of changes over the past period, as well as the trend of the exchange rate for today.
To determine the exchange rate in the market, demand and supply for a specific currency are used. On the graph of the euro or the dollar against the hryvnia, you can see this change. The official rate is set by the National Bank of Ukraine based on the results of trading on the interbank exchange. This rate is used by commercial banks for the purchase and sale of currency within the exchange. Online charts of exchange rates are a source of information for commercial banks and exchangers, as well as a basis for their own exchange rates.
The quotation of the UAH to foreign currencies is carried out by the National Bank every weekday after the interbank market is completed. This page displays a graph of the UAH exchange rate against the dollar, euro, zloty, ruble, and other currencies in each of the commercial banks.
Follow the dynamics of the exchange rate on a convenient schedule to be always in the know and not to lose your money. For convenience, we have collected all the most popular banks and exchangers of Ukraine on one page: PrivatBank, Aval, OschadBank, A-Bank, PUMB, OTP Bank, and created a daily schedule so that you can choose the most profitable bank or exchanger for yourself.