Here you will always find current exchange rates in Chernivtsi, exchange addresses, wholesale exchange rates, and you can quickly sort and find the most favorable exchange rates.
You can also easily add an exchanger to our Kurstoday platform, for this you need to click the "Add exchanger" button and fill out a short form.
We have collected all the addresses of exchangers in Chernivtsi, so you can immediately see the phone number or the exact address of the exchanger in a convenient format.
Exchange rates are updated in real time, so you can be sure that you see only the latest exchange rates in Chernivtsi for today.
The most popular currencies in Chernivtsi are the US Dollar USD, the Euro EUR, and the Polish PLN. These currencies are the most popular in the city, and are the most liquid.
The dollar exchange rate in Chernivtsi is regulated by the foreign and domestic markets of Ukraine, so the exchange rate can differ significantly between different cities of Ukraine.
If you do not want to lose with the exchange rate of hryvnia, dollar or zloty, we recommend that you first investigate the situation in the market of Chernivtsi before exchanging currencies.
We offer a personalized schedule of exchange rates in Chernivtsi. With this tool you can clearly see the trend of changes in the exchange rate of the zloty, euro and dollar.
Sometimes in the foreign exchange market of Chernivtsi there are situations when the exchange rate begins to simply storm from certain events or news. To buy a currency at a favorable rate, you must first stop panicking and start investigating the situation. To do this, you can view the historical exchange rate of the hryvnia on our chart and go deeper into the situation. It is possible that the fluctuations of the hryvnia exchange rate are seasonal and after a while the hryvnia exchange rate will return to normal.